The Enemy Wiki

Monkey Boy is a young, fair haired boy with a wide mouth. He got his nickname because he loves to climb things. He is a member of The Waitrose crew and is friends with Joel, Ella, and Blu-Tack Bill.

In The Enemy, Monkey Boy travels from the Holloway Waitrose to Buckingham Palace. He survives the attack in Regent's Park. He takes turns helping to care for the Alsatian puppy Godzilla after Joel dies. He is unsure of whether to leave Buckingham Palace at the end of the book but keeps with his friends and goes to the Natural History Museum.

In The Fallen, Monkey Boy is scared of the museum. He quickly becomes friends with Wiki and Jibber-Jabber, talking to them about the sickos in the basement and visiting the chickens. However he and Ella are both paranoid that there is something hidden and evil in the place. Their theory proves true at one point when Paul Channing tries to attack them. Monkey Boy goes unharmed and Paul is scared away but it is the final straw. Monkey Boy and Ella decide to leave with Maeve and Robbie to go to the countryside outside of the London City Orbital. When Ella, Robbie, Maeve, and Monkey Boy are attacked by grown ups on Monkey Island, he runs and gets attacked by a father and falls unconscious. The sickos bite into his stomach and expose his organs as Ella later discovers. Scarface saves him and Ella, but he later dies from blood loss in the grass just outside of the hotel Scarface rescues them from.
